Monday, July 9, 2012

Can you handle it?

There are many types of management and sometimes, a lot of times actually, they intertwine and have to work with each other. This title of managing means guiding, directing, overseeing, studying, identifying, planning, and whatever else you see fit.  There’s product and artist management but I am interested in event management, seeing as how what I want to work with is live events. However, there will be products, services, projects, artists, etc. that will be showcased at an event. Whether it be a small meeting or large concert, something is being exhibited, and there is someone or a team that is in charge of making sure it is displayed correctly. The responsibility of representing and selling something (whether it is tangible or not) is a skill not everyone holds. That is why most often it is someone else who holds the position. Whether we know it or not we have held this position before though. Granted it probably was on a small scale such as maybe having the responsibility of managing your time. 

In the entertainment industry you may be placed in the role of making sure everything runs effectively. It takes great experience and dedication to be able to manage something in this field. A lot of people will count on you to get them or a product in the spotlight. There will also be frustrations. I have a friend who is a manager for a national drugstore and when he expresses his frustrations for his store I can only imagine the frustrations in the entertainment world. The expectations of being a manager are really high and there has to be a certain level of commitment. In my last post I interviewed an artist manager and he stated that the interests of his artist was his number one goal. If you find it important, you will be able to make others find it important. That is what I believe makes an accomplished manager.